Civil Liability of Medical Team Members A Comparative Study

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Researcher. Islam Ali Jaleel
Prof. Dr. Raed Siwan Atwan


Treating a patient by a medical team inherently involves several individuals. If the patient suffers harm, it's likely that each member of the medical team has contributed to it in some way. Therefore, responsibility must be distributed among them, either equally or unevenly depending on each one's contribution to the harm. If the patient contracting with the medical team is to benefit from guaranteeing his right, by agreeing to solidarity among the medical team, then this agreement has no place in tort liability. This is because the injured party usually cannot foresee the damages that may befall him in advance, so he resorts to agreeing on them by making solidarity among the members of the medical team about the damage. The contractual relationship may exist between the patient and some members of the medical team, while tort liability governs other relationships. These relationships result in harm to the patient and are then questioned in terms of solidarity, not joint liability.

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How to Cite
Ali Jaleel, R. I., & Siwan Atwan, P. D. R. (2024). Civil Liability of Medical Team Members A Comparative Study. Basra Studies Journal, 2(54), 1–22. Retrieved from



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The Reviewer

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Fourth - the laws

- The Lebanese Code of Obligations and Contracts of 1932

- The Egyptian Civil Code No. 131 of 1948

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Fifth - Judicial decisions

-Decision of the Egyptian Court of Cassation, session 11/21/1967 AD

-Court of Cassation Decision No. 1257 / Article 1 Copied / 2002 AD on 2/6/2002

Sixth - foreign books

-John S. Allee, Robb W. Patryk, and Theodore V. H. Mayer. Product Liability, Law Journal Press, 2005