The State of Scientific Communication between Faculty members In Geography Department and GIS

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Assist.Lect.Majid Mayuf Hobish As-salhy


This    Scientific communication between faculty members is one of the most important means adopted between them, because it has a role in the maturity and development of information. Transfer of information and data that includes topics within the strict jurisdiction and general topics between faculty members through means of communication that include communication through direct dialogue and communication through scientific seminars and social networking sites.

The most important conclusions are that the scientific communication between the faculty members in the Department of Geography and Geographical Information Systems is characterized by a scientific level of high efficiency, which contributes to the continuity of scientific communication, which has a role in the maturity of information and the development of scientific members.

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How to Cite
Mayuf Hobish As-salhy, A. (2022). The State of Scientific Communication between Faculty members In Geography Department and GIS. Basra Studies Journal, 1(43), 191–212. Retrieved from


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