Marine pollution resulting from the transport of dangerous goods

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Dr. Emad jewad kadhem


Marine pollution is defined as the introduction of materials or energy directly or indirectly into the marine environment as a result of various human activities, which leads to harmful effects on living marine organisms and wealth. As well as harmful effects on human health. Impeding various marine activities, including fishing. The properties of seawater change, making it less suitable for use for various purposes. With the development of life and industrial and technological progress, the environment, with all its elements - water, air, and soil - has become exposed to new pollutants that were not previously known. Pollution crimes can pose a threat to our health and safety on a daily basis, as these dumped hazardous wastes may pollute the waters of the seas and oceans in a way that Illegal, and these dangerous materials include, for example, electronic waste, chemicals, and industrial waste, in addition to the waste produced as a result of the transportation of materials that are described as dangerous to the lives of living organisms. Due to differences in legislation between countries and weak law enforcement systems. Together, these practices have become difficulties that hinder measures to combat environmental crime, including marine pollution resulting from the transport of hazardous materials in the seas and oceans

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How to Cite
jewad kadhem, D. E. (2023). Marine pollution resulting from the transport of dangerous goods. Basra Studies Journal, 2(ملحق العدد 50), 227–238. Retrieved from


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