Oil platforms between the Iraqi ports and law of ports and the law of the National Oil Company: problems and solutions
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Developments in the field of extracting oil resources, as an important resource of different peoples, the most sustainable and the least expensive compared to other productive resources, resulted in the emergence of new technologies to help in this field.
And the most important technologies that have been known recently for their great effectiveness in obtaining these wealth is the establishment of floating oil platforms that facilitate the process of oil production and processing for tankers through various applications, one of which is the floating platforms of the Iraq Petroleum Company, whose function is as a station for the processing of giant oil tankers with crude oil, which It is reached by pipelines extending from the Al-Basra oil port to these platforms.
The mechanism of action of these platforms is to receive the crude oil that reaches them through the pipes extending under the surface of the water and then re-pump it to the storage depots in the oil tankers through the pump installed on the surface of these platforms.
In order for this process to be carried out in a correct manner that does not lead to oil leakage or that the waves do not lead to the tanker colliding with the oil platform or other marine installations, the process of guiding the ship to dock in the appropriate place is carried out, and then it is fixed by the tugboats. The oil pumping process is controlled and this process is managed in terms of Pumping time and quantity by following a set of procedures stipulated in various laws such as the Iraqi ports and harbors law and its instructions and the law of the National Oil Company.
A dispute arose over who should carry out these procedures, whether it is the general facility for Iraqi ports or the national oil company represented by the South Oil Company.
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