The Legal status of Vaccine Manufacturers' Liability: A Comparative Study

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Researcher. Ghanem Raad Spahi
Assist. Prof. Dr. Munqith Abdulridha Ali Al-Fardan


The topic of civil liability arising from vaccine damages is one of the important and delicate issues, given its close connection to individuals' physical safety. Therefore, we have examined the legal adaptation of liability and found the differences regarding the nature of vaccine manufacturer liability. Some have emphasized contractual liability, while others have argued for liability based on negligence, which is what Iraqi law has adopted. This was done through the adoption of an analytical comparative study among the legislation of four countries: Iraq, Egypt, France, and Lebanon, while referring to opinions and judicial precedents wherever possible.

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How to Cite
Raad Spahi, R. G., & Abdulridha Ali Al-Fardan, A. P. D. M. (2024). The Legal status of Vaccine Manufacturers’ Liability: A Comparative Study . Basra Studies Journal, 2(54), 303–336. Retrieved from



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-Ali Al-Mashhadi ، Civil liability for the damage of the Corona vaccine According to the decisions of the French Court of Cassation، Cassation. Akkad Journal of Law and Public Policy .

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-civ 1, 4 juillet 2019, 18-16.809, Inédit.