Preventive Healthcare Services in Al-Zubair City (A Study in Medical Geography)

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Researcher. Abdulhamid Hassan Ali Aldrouish
Prof. Dr. Amal Saleh Aboud Al-Kaabi


Preventive healthcare plays a crucial role in controlling the spread of communicable and chronic diseases, which have become the leading cause of death worldwide. Preventive healthcare services encompass various areas, including vaccination against infectious diseases, public health promotion through health promotion programs, school health care by providing medical services to students for various diseases, providing necessary medications for each disease, as well as offering preventive programs and health education in schools. Additionally, it involves monitoring the food consumed by the community to prevent the spread of diseases and epidemics, combating insects and rodents that spread diseases, protecting the environment from various pollutants, and working on developing innovative solutions to environmental problems.

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How to Cite
Hassan Ali Aldrouish , R. A., & Saleh Aboud Al-Kaabi, P. D. A. (2024). Preventive Healthcare Services in Al-Zubair City (A Study in Medical Geography) . Basra Studies Journal, 1(51), 339–368. Retrieved from


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