The Suspense in the Praises of Al-Mutanabbi "The opinion before the courage of the brave "Using "On the status of the people of determination as a sample"
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The importance of this study is evident in seeking to discover the phenomenon of suspense in the praise poems of the poet Abi al-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi, through the study of two models of praise poems that he wrote during the reign of Saif al-Dawla al-Hamdani, namely: "opinion before the courage of the brave" and "according to the status of the people of determination". The research dealt with it focusing on the concept of suspenseful event, which would clarify the writing technique used in the poems by linking them to an element of attraction on which they are based, it seems to be a suspense event for the listener who awaits after the act of saying the discovery of the facts of a battle and the victory of the praised one.
Accordingly; This research embarks on the epistemological path on a new dialectical analysis of the Arabic poem, which free it from the old rules at one time keeps it faithful to its contents, while studying the element of modern suspense it covers. Therefore, the study called for the narrative and descriptive approaches to analyze praise in which there is suspense that attracts the listener to the poems of a dialectical poet. The researcher does not tire of studying and in-depth.
The multiplicity of the studies on the poet himself did not mean that one should stop dealing with him. Rather, there were a renewed project behind each study for motivating researchers to move forward towards new spaces and new titles in his poetry to search for them. With the descriptive intro in the classic poem, the various events that the poet mentions for the purpose of praise, and the descriptive suspense of the praised one.
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