Athens Convention relating to the carriage of passengers and their Luggage by sea 2002 Scop of application the carrier's Liability – The nature of the carrier's Liability – Damage claimed by the carriers

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Prof. Dr. Farooq Ibraheem Jasim


This research studies the Athens convention relating to the carriage of passengers and their Luggage by sea signed in 1/11/2002 – entered into force in 23/4/2014. Bystating the Provisions of the ier Liability in term of the scop of application, and the nature of carrier liability, and damages claimed by the carrier.

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How to Cite
Ibraheem Jasim, P. D. F. (2023). Athens Convention relating to the carriage of passengers and their Luggage by sea 2002 Scop of application the carrier’s Liability – The nature of the carrier’s Liability – Damage claimed by the carriers. Basra Studies Journal, 2(ملحق العدد 50), 239–258. Retrieved from


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