Human Factors Influencing the Localization of Packaging Industry and its Geographic Distribution in Basra Province

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Researcher. Abeer Kadhim Gtafa Al-Deirawi
Prof. Dr. Rashid Abd Rashid Al-Sharifi


The packaging industry in Basra province plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient and safe product delivery. It contributes significantly to economic growth and investment while prioritizing environmental sustainability through recycling and proper waste management practices. Basra benefits from favorable human factors essential for establishing and sustaining the packaging industry, with a local population of approximately 3,202,284 as of 2022. The presence of a skilled workforce, coupled with robust market demand, enhances productivity within the industry. Accessible transportation routes facilitate proximity to markets, further supporting logistical efficiency. Moreover, the availability of raw materials serves as a cornerstone for industry operations. The packaging sector encompasses 15 types categorized into plastic, metal, and paper variants, distributed across seven districts encompassing a total of 41 facilities.

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How to Cite
Kadhim Gtafa Al-Deirawi, R. A., & Abd Rashid Al-Sharifi, P. D. R. (2024). Human Factors Influencing the Localization of Packaging Industry and its Geographic Distribution in Basra Province. Basra Studies Journal, 1(53), 279–322. Retrieved from


قـائمة المصادر

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