Considered Interests in the Decision to Dismiss an Incompetent Employee

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Assist. Lect. Elham Omair Sahi
Researcher. Wad Fathi Abdul Jalil


 This study, titled "Considered Interests in the Decision to Dismiss an Incompetent Employee," aims to clarify the concept of an incompetent employee and discuss all the legal aspects related to organizing their legal status in light of Iraqi legislation. It also seeks to outline the scope and limits of the interests considered in issuing a decision to dismiss an incompetent employee.

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How to Cite
Omair Sahi, A. L. E., & Fathi Abdul Jalil, R. W. (2024). Considered Interests in the Decision to Dismiss an Incompetent Employee. Basra Studies Journal, 2(52), 447–462. Retrieved from


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