Variation in the Duration of Upper-Level Systems at 500 Hectopascals Constituting the Freezing Phenomenon in Iraq for the Period 1968-2021

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Researcher. Rana Abbas Hamza Al-Sharifi
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Jassim Mohammed Al-Hassan


The research aims to study the variation in the duration of upper-level systems at 500 hectopascals constituting the freezing phenomenon, revealing a general trend towards a decrease in the rates of the duration of upper-level systems during the study months. The deep troughs recorded a downward trend, with the highest negative change rate (100%) at the Amarah station, while the lowest negative change rate was recorded at the Rabi'a station, amounting to (0.67%). Shallow troughs showed an upward trend in the duration rates across the study stations, with the lowest positive change rate recorded at the Erbil station (0.19%). Shallow ridges showed an upward trend in the duration rates of upper-level systems, while the surface waves recorded a downward trend during all study months. Finally, cut-off lows showed a downward trend across all study stations. From the above, it can be inferred that an increase in the duration of shallow troughs and shallow ridges corresponds to a decrease in the duration of deep troughs and surface waves. Cut-off lows indicate a weakening of surface system extensions and their filling with warm air, thus weakening freezing events.

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How to Cite
Abbas Hamza Al-Sharifi, R. R., & Jassim Mohammed Al-Hassan, P. D. A. (2024). Variation in the Duration of Upper-Level Systems at 500 Hectopascals Constituting the Freezing Phenomenon in Iraq for the Period 1968-2021. Basra Studies Journal, 1(51), 369–408. Retrieved from


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ـ ( خرائط الطقس للمستوى 500 هكتو باسكال.

ـ مخرجات برنامج 10.2 Arc Gis.