Pollution by Electromagnetic Emissions from Internet Towers in Basra City: A Geographical Study
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This study aims to determine the levels of electromagnetic pollution emitted from the Internet transmission towers in the city of Basra. The field study was carried out by taking some samples from different locations, using the (EMF-810) device, and about (178) samples were measured from the internet broadcasting towers in the study area, with five readings for each residential neighborhood within the study area, and then representing the results cartographically to show the level of electromagnetic pollution from this source.
It was found that the spatial distribution of Internet broadcasting towers is characterized by randomness and irregularity, and it depends mainly on the population density and the number of subscribers to the Internet service. And that the Internet transmission towers can be considered an important source of electromagnetic emissions in the study area. Emission levels vary, the highest total value was recorded in Al-Mithaq neighborhood (23.5 mW/cm2), and the lowest total value was in Afraz Al-Asskryen neighborhood, which was recorded (0.40 mW/cm2). The high readings in some locations pose a threat to the health of the residents living near these towers. Electromagnetic pollution covers varying areas within the geographical area of the study area, as the percentage of the area affected by the least severe levels is 51%, while the area affected by the higher levels is only 1%.
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